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Full Version: What depth to float a baited big?
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Hi Guys,

Any suggestions as to how deep to float a baited jig? I fish the top of PPB in 6 to 10 m of water and was wondering if the jig should be at least a couple of metres down to provide a bit of "cover".

I've had some squid follow hooked flathead to the surface lately so I'm keen to tow some jigs around whilst on the drift.

As close to the ground as you can get it without snagging to often.

Test for the depth using a heavy sinker - once your float stops sinking remove the sinker and attach jig/hook setup.

Keep in mind that sunrise/sunset is when squid actively go on the prowl. Outside of that you basically have to place the jig right in front of them to get a bight - being an oppurtunistic predators. Sometimes there are exceptions to this rule - mostly when there's a lack of food or the squid are in large numbers.




Thanks Harvey,

I'll give it a try this weekend.

There are a lot of baitfish around our area at the moment and I'm hoping they've attracted some of the beasties higher up the food chain!
