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Full Version: 5th All England Squid fishing championships.........
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That time of year again......

We have bought the event forwards this year, to attempt to beat the curse of last years event, the algal bloom known locally as May Rot.

Date: 22nd April 2012

Venue - Brighton Marina East arm, Brighton, East Sussex, England

Again a fundraiser in aid of the Royal National Lifeboat Institute, the boys that save our butts when we get in trouble around the coasts of the UK.

Booking in from 0800 at the Master Mariner Public House in the Marina village, fishing is from 11:00 until 16:00, with prize giving and donation passing happening back at the master mariner afterwards.

The fishing is for stunning trophies, 1st, 2nd and third, plus biggest squid. Plus Junior All Englandchamp (15 and under) plus prizes. All prizes supplied by event sponsors HART and TRONIXPRO. A free squid Jig to every entrant, First prize is the NEW HART BLOODY IKA MARSHAL squid rod, 2nd, 3rd and biggest squid receive a HART SQUID JIG CARRYING CASE , Plus the kudo's of being the 5th All England Squid Champs

Entrance is £5, plus £2 for a day ticket (discounted) which you must have as it covers all the insurance requirements.

A drop net is extremely useful.

Lessons learnt from previous events: If you wish to fish together please try to be early for the book in to avoid disappointment.